Save time and money maintaining clean mailing lists and checking the validity of recipient's e-mails addresses...
eMail Verifier can save time and money for businesses who send newsletters to their clients, nonprofit organizations who send bulletins to their members, or any person or business that needs to maintain a clean e-mail contact list.
eMail Verifier has proven helpful to us. We have more than 7,400 e-mail addresses for our members, and they don't always tell us when they change addresses. eMail Verifier also catches obvious typos, and it does it a lot faster than I can scan a list of e-mail addresses. eMail Verifier may not be for everyone, but it works for us, and really cuts down on the number of bounced messages when we send out notifications to our members. – Greg Raven
eMail Verifier has proven helpful to us. We have more than 7,400 e-mail addresses for our members, and they don't always tell us when they change addresses. eMail Verifier also catches obvious typos, and it does it a lot faster than I can scan a list of e-mail addresses. eMail Verifier may not be for everyone, but it works for us, and really cuts down on the number of bounced messages when we send out notifications to our members.
Comparing Email Verifier to online solutions. I've been on a big test recently, comparing how well the various email cleaning services compare to each other. I started with a list of 1500 emails that hadn't been used in several years. Email verifier reduced the list to 1275 addresses marked as OK, or looks OK.
I then ran the list of 1500 through some of the most popular online cleaning solutions, the most notable of which was Never Bounce, which came highly recommended. Never Bounce reduced the list to 900. Interestingly Email Verifier tagged 350 emails as "looks OK", so I summised Never Bounced played it safe and even if the address "looked OK", it tagged it as bad.
The other services I tried ranged from 300-850 good emails. I took the results of Email Verifier, 1275 emails and sent them a test email. 80 bounced, 19 hard bounces.
So in short, if I'd gone with the list from Never Bounce I'd have lost over 300 good emails. If I'd have gone with any of the other lists I'd have lost a lot more. Only Email Verifier got very very close to the correct number of good addresses.
The other thing to note is that only Email Verifier allowed me to export various different lists: Good. Looks like good, bad, or a mixture. All the online services would allow me to export was the good emails or all the emails.
It's been very time consuming and pretty expensive to run all these tests, but it's been very worthwhile, I can continue to use Email Verifier safe in the knowledge it delivers the best results.
Thought it worth sharing.
Wow! This is possibly the best $20 I have ever spent! - I sent out an email newsletter and forgot to set up the bounce handling correctly, which resulted in me getting 300+ bounced emails. Using Thunderbird on the Mac I created a folder to keep them all in, but then of course I was faced with opening 300 emails, copying out the email address and giving them to an administrator to process in our CRM system. Using eMail Extractor I got the list of email addresses in 10 secs flat.
BRILLIANT! Regs....David.
You have read over and over that it is less expensive to get an existing customer to make a purchase than to get a new customer to make a purchase. The most recent figures suggest that it is six times as expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to retain a customer. You have also read that the least expensive way to market to existing customers is via targeted e-mail.
Email Marketing is spreading around the whole world because of its high effectiveness, speed and low cost. If you want to introduce and sell your product or service, the best way is to use e-mail to contact your targeted customer. Targeted e-mail is no doubt very effective. If you can introduce your product or service through email directly to the customers who are interested in them, this will bring your business a better chance of success.
Thanks to its advanced mail-merge and conditional functions you can send highly customized messages and get the best results of your campaigns. You also have support for international characters, a straightforward account manager with support for all type of authentication schemes including SSL, support for importation from a wide range of sources including from remote mySQL and postgreSQL databases.
MaxBulk Mailer is not an email program like Mail, Entourage, or Outlook. But rather it allows you to use email distribution lists from these email programs or other databases to send individually customized messages to each address on the distribution list. With MaxBulk Mailer you can create, manage and send personalized marketing messages to customers or potential customers.
You can do e-mail promotions without doing a newsletter. However, if you want to grab and hold the attention of busy customers or members, then you have to provide them with more than just the information about the products or services. You have to give them a reason to care about the product.
MaxBulk Mailer is a bulk mailer and e-mailmerge tool for macOS and Windows that allows you to send out customized press releases, price lists or any kind of text or HTML messages to your customers.
eMail extractor is a tool for extracting e-mail addresses from all kind of sources like your local files, web pages or the clipboard in order to create highly targeted and legitimate bulk e-mail lists.
eMail Bounce Handler is a bounce e-mail filtering and handling tool that recognizes bounce emails, electronic mail that is returned to the sender because it cannot be delivered for some reason.